Thursday, March 1, 2012

My First Embroidered Onesie

Ever wonder why all those ridiculously cute embroidered/appliqued onesies cost so much? Well let me tell you - they are a pain in the tookus! What makes them so adorable makes them scary hard on a single needle embroidery machine! They are so small so the embroidery field is also very small. The hard part is keeping the bottom, top, and excess sides out of the way of the needle.

I made an appliqued onesie for a friend one time before and used a cheap pack of Gerber onesies from Walmart I believe. Even though it was a slightly larger size, it was still hard because the material was quite thin and easily tore. It made for a cute gift, but it was definitely not the best quality.

When another friend asked me to make an itsy bitsy teenie weenie 3-6 month size onesie, I was quite scared that i'd spend a fortune messing try and try up. I found the perfect design at  I have learned a good bit since my previous attempt and heard a tip where clothespins are supposed to help. What the heck right? I tried them and I wouldn't say it was a perfect solution, but it did help tremendously! I was able to embroider the design on the shirt & if I hadn't had a thread issue at the very end, the entire process would have been MUCH more pleasant than I was anticipating. It was still nerve racking & a project you have to babysit on the machine, but well worth the time and effort in the end :)

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